Secrets of Successful Yoga Studios

What will happen if you are a competent, talented, and compassionate Yoga teacher, without enough dedicated students? Here is a simple answer: Don't quit your "day job" and don't open a Yoga studio of your own. Sorry to be so blunt, but you need time to grow your following.

When, or if, you develop a following as an independent contractor, then and only then, think about opening a Yoga center. This is not meant to be harsh, but there are enough Yoga centers with poor business skills to go around, and you don't need to lose every penny you saved without developing sound business plans.


Therefore, please take time to develop a Yoga business plan with goals and estimated time frames. Unfortunately, I have seen too many Yoga studios open with a "one month plan." Can you imagine opening an ashram without a telephone, getting caught up in zoning board complications, or just hoping for the best? One poorly organized Yoga studio makes all Yoga teachers look bad, and leaves the public thinking every Yoga studio is like that.

How do you feel when you go to a deli for the 20th time and the counter help tries to avoid you? Do you feel like going back again, when, half the time, they get your order wrong? Where am I going with this?

Every Yoga studio should have an appointed person for customer service and public relations. Yoga teachers should know all of their students' names "by heart." If you ignore your Yoga students, there is no reason for them to stay. They will feel unwelcome and unworthy. One of the worst ways to handle a student / teacher relationship is to ignore a Yoga student.

Be careful of perceptions that make you feel like you are better than your Yoga students. Remember that your students pay you to teach Yoga. You should treat them like your best friends. How many of your friends are paying for your meals, car, mortgage, or your vacations? Your Yoga students are "number one."

Doing the "little extras," keeps Yoga students. When a student has a question, it is your job to give an informed answer; and if you do not have one, consult with a senior or master Yoga teacher. If you are not a "people person," do not become a Yoga teacher.

Make sure that the person who answers your phone loves people. You can't keep a Yoga studio open with a grumpy receptionist. The receptionist is the initial "gate keeper" of a Yoga studio, and for Yoga students, that gate should be held open with a wide smile.

Each Yoga studio should be a haven for students to find what they seek, without putting up with inferior service. They face far too much of it, outside the Yoga class. You should know the needs of your students and promise only what you can deliver.

Secrets of Successful Yoga Studios

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts, with multiple Black Belts, four martial arts teaching credentials, and was recently inducted into the USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults, and seniors in the greater Providence area. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Right for You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new career as a Yoga teacher.

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Raja Yoga The Royal Science of Meditation

The Indian scriptures unequivocally declare that every soul is divine and the ultimate purpose of human life is to experience that state of divinity. They advocate four different paths, which are not mutually exclusive for attaining this goal-the path of devotion (Bhakthi Yoga) the path of selfless service (karma Yoga), the path of intellectual inquiry (Jnana yoga) and the path of meditation (Raja Yoga).

Raja yoga takes us to this goal faster than other methods. This involves stilling the mind and the senses so that we cease to identity ourselves with the body mind complex and experience our true nature. We communicate with the external world through the five senses. The mind interprets the impulses from these senses. Mind is a bundle of thoughts and desires. It is an abstract entity. We cannot catch hold of the mind. How then do we still the mind?


The ancient yogis of India discovered the relation between the mind and breathing. When a person is agitated his breathing becomes faster and when he is very calm it is slower. The yogis revealed that by controlling the breath we could control the mind. Anyone can experience this by breathing deeply and slowly for a few minutes. The mind becomes calmer and the heart rate slower.

But this is not enough to completely still the mind and experience our real nature. In order to achieve this it is necessary to employ more effective methods. Kriya Yoga (a form of Raja yoga) is such a method which prevents the electrical impulses from going out of the brain and spinal cord so that external world ceases to exist as for as the person who is meditating is concerned enabling him to experience a state of conscious sleep. This state is different from natural sleep, which is involuntary. With constant practice a person will be able to withdraw the life force from the senses at will and enjoy that state of bliss.

The actual technique of Kriya Yoga shall not be explained in an article meant for general public. It creates a powerful electromagnetic field around the spinal cord by making the life force move up and down the spinal cord. This field withdraws the electrical impulses from all the senses so that the soul is cut off from the outer world. In the highest state of meditation called Samadhi, the person goes into a state of suspended animation. Heart ceases to beat, there will be no breathing and all the functions of body come to a stand still but the person continues to be alive. This may sound strange for many people but is true.

It is important to remember that one cannot experience the highest state of yoga within a short period. Though the technique of Kriya Yoga is not complicated it takes several years of constant practice to experience the results.

It is equally important to understand that in order to progress spiritually one has to lead a moral and disciplined life. If anyone thinks that he can commit all sorts of crimes and indulge in immoral activities but still benefit from Kriya Yoga he is completely mistaken. Those who are serious about their spiritual progress should eschew alcoholic drinks and smoking not to mention any drug of addiction. It is highly desirable to be a pure vegetarian. Consumption of meat causes certain biochemical changes in the blood making it difficult to control the mind.

Raja yoga is a scientific method of controlling the mind, reversing the flow of life force and experiencing our true nature. It is the greatest gift India has given to the world. It is universal in nature. It does not interfere with the religious faith of anyone, as it is based on psycho-physiological principles. People can have their own concept of god and continue to perform any other rituals of their religion. Kriya yoga will help them to feel the presence of god within irrespective of their concept of god. Then they will also realize that god defies definition and conceptualization.

The knowledge and practice of yoga elevates humanity to a higher level and reduces conflicts in the world. It will help ushering in an era of peace and harmony. Those who are seriously interested in learning Kriya Yoga can contact the Self Realization Fellowship society at Los Angeles in USA or if they are nearer to India contact the sister organization Yogoda Satsanga Society of India situated at Dakshineswar, near Kolkata and a branch at Ranchi in India

There is no fundamental difference in the teachings of various religions. Those who indulge in acts of violence cannot claim to belong to any religion. The most pressing need of the hour is the recognition of the spiritual nature of human beings and oneness of humanity.

Raja Yoga The Royal Science of Meditation

Dr. Arun Kumar Suri is the webmaster of Family Life And Home Based Business. He is a Pediatrician by profession. This site is dedicated to issues of family with particular attention to children and adolescents. The articles on the site look at the common problems in a family from different angles. The site stresses the need to lead a balanced life giving equal importance to materialistic and spiritual aspects of life. You can visit his site at

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Establishing a Strong Foundation - Beginner Poses in Yoga

Yoga is a family of ancient spiritual practices originating in India. It is one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy. In India and across the World, Yoga is seen as a means to both physical health and spiritual mastery. Outside India, Yoga has become primarily associated with the practice of asanas or postures of Hatha Yoga.

Like many things in life, yoga poses are cumulative. Beginner poses provide a foundation for later yoga poses. Though the only way to adequately learn a pose is from an instructor, although some can be described as examples.


The base for all standing poses is the "Mountain Pose," which strengthens your thighs and improves your posture. Stand with your big toes touching and evenly distribute your weight throughout your feet. Press your feet into the floor, while tightening your thighs to raise them. Draw in your belly, tuck in your tailbone, stack the shoulders above the pelvis, and widen your collarbones. You might want to practice against a wall to feel how the pose aligns.

The "Staff Pose" is the foundation for all seated poses and can be thought of as a seated version of the Mountain Pose. This pose strengthens legs and improves bodily alignment. Sit with your legs straight in front of you, engage the thighs, and flex your feet (your heels might leave the floor). Lengthen your spine and stack your shoulders over your hips. You might want to start while sitting on padding, and if your hamstrings are too tight, you'll have to bend your knees some.


Did you know?

Buddha, who is estimated to have lived 563 to 483 BC, is believed to have studied what was known of yoga at that time as part of an extensive education in Hindu philosophy. It is also very likely, given the rapid growth of Buddhism after his death and before the Bhagavad Gita was composed, that Buddhism had some influence on that work. There is a considerable overlap between the Hindu yoga tradition and Buddhism.


Besides these two base poses, a common intermediate pose to transfer you into another pose is the "Downward Facing Dog." This pose strengthens and stretches your entire body, and it's also used as both a resting and standing pose. (It's a mild inversion, so it should be avoided during pregnancy or menstruation.) From a crawling position (wrists beneath the shoulders and knees beneath the hips), curl your toes under and push back while raising the hips and strengthening your legs. Spread your fingers and press from the forearms into the floor, with your upper arms rotated outwards to widen your collarbones. Shoulder blades should be geared downwards, and you should engage your quadriceps to take pressure off the arms. Rotate your thighs inwards to keep the tail high and let your heels to the floor; though if you're not yet flexible enough for your heels to touch the floor, don't step forward so they do.

Most if not all yoga routines end with the "Corpse Pose," the traditional pose of resting and rejuvenation. With your eyes closed, lie flat on your back, with feet and arms falling out to either side, slightly separated from your body, with your palms up. Relax your entire body, face included, and breathe naturally (you should feel heavy). When leaving the pose, begin by deepening your breathing. Move your outer extremities and draw the movement inwards, bringing the knees to the chest and rolling over. Slowly sit up before opening your eyes.

Establishing a Strong Foundation - Beginner Poses in Yoga

Michael Saunders edits a site on Yoga and Health and maintains a Website on all elements of prosperity and abundance.

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Yoga For Weight Loss

Obesity has always been a concern for people as it causes various physical and mental discomforts. Lack of stamina, difficulty in physical movements, difficulty in breathing are some of the physical troubles that people with the excess weight face. Feeling inferior and stress are the mental uneasiness caused by obesity. Effective planning and the implementation of plans to lose weight is a must to earn back all those comforts. This article brings out one special strategy towards losing weight and that is yoga. Yoga is a vast subject which comprises lot of methods that can help you get rid of excess weight from your body.

Significance of Yoga


Yoga is not a high intensity exercise that makes you sweat and lose weight. It is a gentle method that tones your body by stretching and breathing mechanisms. Yoga cannot be claimed as a big exercising option as it is of moderate intensity. Very quick weight loss cannot be experienced with this method, but a sizeable change can be made which can be maintained for a very long period of time. With yoga, proper body shape can be toned and weight gain can be moderated.

Yoga postures

The techniques and postures of yoga concentrate mainly on stretching and breathing methods. The breathing induces more metabolisms and the stretching will set up muscle expansions. Though these procedures aid the weight loss process indirectly, it is to be admitted that they are extremely effective in bringing out results. A good frame of mind should be developed in order to take the yoga initiative. The biggest advantage is that yoga is a relaxing way of exercising which as mentioned earlier relieves you from any kind of stress.


Doing yoga stretches your body in good ways. When lean muscles are synthesized, calories in the body get burnt and this is an effective way to lose weight. The stretching exercises make your body to generate more muscles. When muscles use up energy, large amount of calories will be expended and this is the principle behind the stretching methods. Another advantage is that stretching is not a very high intensity exercise and can be easily adopted by anyone. Stretching exercises eases you off from any physical strains as well takes you to a higher level of health.


Proper breathing mechanism helps you to lose weight impressively. Breathing is the mechanism where oxygen intake occurs. Oxygen facilitates the breaking down of food molecules. When there is more supply of oxygen, the more effective will be the respiration process that leads to the exhaustion of calories. Synchronous breathing along with proper stretching is one of the principles of yoga that aids weight loss in a big way. Slow breathing is advised that prompts effective body metabolism.


Yoga is not a new development and these techniques have been in existence for ages. Few new formulations have been developed in the recent past to concentrate on toning the body shape and losing weight. This slight modification and a process of constructive evolution have been mainly developed to suit people in the west and in America who are fighting obesity. Yoga originated in the eastern countries and has been tinkered a bit to suit the habits and daily routines of the people in the west.

Spiritual and Mental Side

The yoga techniques involve more of mental and spiritual factors that influence your body through mind control. Lot depends on how you take up things in mind and apply yourself in following these techniques. You got to believe that you can achieve the goal of losing weight and getting a better body shape. Yoga insists on ways to control body over mind more than any hard fought physical exercises.

Yoga Methods

There are a couple of methods that effectively suits weight loss. The process of weight loss goes well with the yoga techniques but it is very important to choose the right ways of losing weight. The bikram yoga and the astanga yoga are the two popular methods that suit the weight loss ambitions. More information about these postures are discussed below which can be implemented immediately to taste the results.

Bikram Yoga

This is a preferred exercise by sports persons especially the athletes. Many celebrities too opt for this yoga method which drastically burns out calories in the body. One main thing that needs to be practiced is consistency. This yoga should be done for at least ten times for over a period of one month. The Bikram yoga is a combination of aerobic, cardio vascular and fat burning exercises. There will not be enough time gaps to practice this workout. It will take a while to acquaint with the speed of exercises. The key here is to increase the heart rate and burn more amount of fats with this yoga procedure. The comfort that one can feel in the minds while doing this exercise is remarkable. Stress levels can be eased off to a large extent by following this yoga procedure. Weight loss outcomes are sure to happen with the practice of bikram yoga and not only can you tone your mind well you will also increase your patience levels, composure and self control.

Literal Significance

The blood circulation is enhanced with the practice of bikram yoga. With efficient blood circulation, oxygen is supplied to all parts of the body and hence a tremendous improvement in terms of calorie exhaustion can be seen. Muscles will be lively and tender and hence suck more blood to grow. More the muscles grow; more is the exhaustion of the stored stray food molecules and lesser the risk of obesity disorders. Yoga practice does not involve sweating out like those high intensity exercise and can be enjoyed a lot.

Astanga Yoga

These yoga procedures are the ones which concentrate on breathing procedure along with a variety of body postures. Synchronization of breathing along with the body postures attribute to weight loss. The temperature levels of the body go up in doing these yoga exercises which induces profuse sweating. This detoxifies body to a high extent and gets rid of calories. Also, body metabolism shoots up with the practice of Astanga yoga which is the biggest need of the hour to lose weight. Health conditions can be vastly improved and mind can be pretty much improved on the control and tolerance levels.


The above mentioned yoga exercises are by far the best natural remedies that can bring about weight loss; though they work at a slower pace they very importantly come without any side effects. You got to spend more time in doing yoga as the results brought out are not at a fast pace. More than any reason, the best part of the yoga exercise is that it influences your mind in coordination with the body which no other exercise or diet habits can perform. Speaking about the time that needs to be spent, just five hours a week is enough. This is a reasonable amount of time that you can afford to spend for your body.

Important Tips

It is advised that yoga should not be practice by children below the age of twelve and the yoga postures should not be held for long durations. It is best to practice yoga for at least 30 to 40 minutes each day to harvest full benefits. Early morning is the best time for doing yoga Evening schedules can be also be planned occasionally. Doing yoga with empty stomach is necessary. Have solid foods four to five hours before you do the yoga exercises and take liquid foods one hour before practicing yoga and do not take anything for at least one hour before starting with the yoga postures. Practice area should be clean and should be devoid of disturbances. Airy places are preferred. It is a must to do yoga on a mat or a cloth and one should never do it on the bare flooring. Wearing under garments is a must. Vegetarian diet must be followed and try to avoid spicy foods.

Yoga For Weight Loss

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The Roots of Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is the yoga that most people know as simply, "yoga." Practiced for emotional and physical health and wellness, Hatha Yoga focuses on both the purification of the mind and the body, aiming to pave a path to vitality and wholeness.

Hatha Yoga was introduced by a man named Yogi Swatmarama, a yoga sage in 15th and 16th century India. Known for calmness and peacefulness, Yogi Swatmarama is a name that has now become synonymous with delight, one who paved the way for an exercise that enhances the mind, body and spirit. He began with Hatha Yoga by writing the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, a Sanskrit that was based on Swatmarama's own experiences as well as the words of older Sanskrit texts. It details information about asanas, bandhas, kriyas, shakti, pranayama, and several other areas.


The book, as well as Hatha Yoga itself, is rich with hints of Hinduism. Perhaps the oldest religion in the world, Hinduism is a religion based on acceptance, building its foundation on a plethora of text and scriptures. It aims to teach people mystical truths, while providing guidance on how a person can grow to become morally, spiritually, and physically whole. Hinduism also believes the "Heaven on Earth" concept, noting it's possible to achieve salvation while alive rather than only in death.

Part of this salvation is achieved through balance. Because the word "Hatha" is derived from Sanskrit words meaning sun ("Ha") and moon ("Tha") it only makes sense that Hatha Yoga places a lot of concept on the focus of balance. A type of yoga that teeters between two streams (the Ida (mental) and the Pingala (body) currents), Hatha Yoga uses the Shushumna Nadi (the current of the self) to open up various Chakras (cosmic points within the body that are awaiting release). Once this happens, a state of quieted thought and a still mind occurs while consciousness remains. This is called Samadhi and it is known as a stated of bliss.

Hatha Yoga is based on holistic principles, moral disciplines and physical exercise. It focuses greatly on poses (Asanas), breathing techniques (Pranayama) and meditation. Similar to the sun versus moon concept upon which its name is based, Hatha Yoga take energies that are in opposition - dark and light, yin and yang, fire and ice - and uses them to find a balance between the mind, body, spirit, and external forces of life.

A variety of breathing techniques, meditations, and poses all help to drive the person doing Hatha Yoga to a path of enlightenment. Among some of the most practiced poses are Bhujangasana, also known as the Cobra; the Eka Pada, also known as the one-legged king; the Halasana, also known as the Plow; the Padmasana, also known as the Lotus; and the Simhasana, also known as the Lion.

Hatha Yoga, like the word "yoga" itself, greatly uses the concept of unity, the unity between man and nature as well as the unity within each person: without unity between the mind and the body, it's hard to accomplish anything. Depending on the individual, Hatha Yoga may be used to unite people with different things. For some, Hatha Yoga may be used to form a union with God, the Self, ones True Nature, or the Divine. For others, Hatha Yoga may be used to unite them with a much needed recovery from a stress in their life. Still for others, Hatha Yoga may be used simply as a way to unite them with themselves.

Hatha Yoga, having been around for hundreds of years, is rooted in principles that will never change, however as times are always changing these ancient principles can be evolved and applied to the 21st Century. Overall the roots of yoga teach people to obtain what everyone seeks: physical and emotional health, a clear mental state-of-mind, and a life driven not by worries, but simply by joy.

TWISTED is a medical yoga studio at the Center for Osteopathic Medicine in Boulder, Colorado. Twisted integrates osteopathic medicine, hatha yoga and mindfulness practices to teach optimal balance between physical, mental, and emotional health. It aims to
educate and help people to live a healthy life from the inside out. Rehabilitation programs offer a comprehensive treatment regime for the whole being, empowering each person one breath at a time to stimulate the body's natural healing potential.

The Roots of Hatha Yoga

Jennifer Jordan is senior editor of Specializing in articles that not only teach yoga techniques, but also teach techniques on fulfillment and enrichment, she aims to educate students proudly enrolled in the school of life.

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Yoga and Its Benefits

For about 5,000 years, yoga has been a part of the world. While most of us are familiar with the idea of yoga, many of us do not quite understand what it is, how it works, or why it is good for the body. Although yoga is generally associated with various Eastern religions, the true basis of yoga is stretching exercises that benefit the mind and body, and that can help anyone, regardless of their religious background or beliefs. While yoga is known to have many benefits, three of the benefits that are most immediately pertinent to the body are the effects of yoga on breathing, the heart, and the mind.

If you do not breathe, you cannot live; in this way, breathing is one of the most important aspects of life. But many of us fail to realize that we can improve our breathing. Yoga improves lung capacity by focusing on deep, mindful breathing. This can improve the performance and endurance of those who play sports, being hugely beneficial for them. But even for those who do not play sports, this improvement in breathing will prove helpful in everyday life.


A healthy heart translates to a healthy body. Among the studies that draw a correlation between yoga and health benefits, no areas have been focused on more than the correlation between yoga and a healthy heart. Yoga can slow the body's heart rate, and it can also lower the body's blood pressure. Yoga has also been linked to decreased cholesterol and a boost in the body's immune system. In fact, yoga can be beneficial for the heart to such an extreme extent that is has even been proven to help reverse heart disease!

Yoga also has an immensely positive impact on the mind. It has been proven that the practice of yoga can reduce the risk of depression; yoga can also increase concentration and decrease stress levels. As yoga brings extra oxygen to the brain and lowers hormone neurotransmitter levels, a sense of calm and wellness is created.

All it takes to practice yoga is 15 to 20 minutes of your time each day. With regular yoga practice, the body's respiration, circulation, and mental well being can all be improved. Think about beginning yoga practice yourself - you're sure to be happy with the benefits! Try getting a friend or two involved in daily yoga practice,who knows, you may start a trend in the neighborhood.

Yoga and Its Benefits

The author, Bobby Shrimpton, is a retired U.S. Marine, fought in the Vietnam Conflict, receiving three Purple Hearts, and several unit citations. He also maintains Bobby's Fitness Blog. You are welcome to go there for other interesting articles.

Tags : What is Pregnancy World Health Club

Florida Yoga Certification

Your Florida yoga certification will open up possibilities that you've only dreamed of!

Looking to improve your life physically, mentally as well as financially? How about getting your yoga instructor certification? Your love of yoga can reach beyond your weekly class to a daily career with Florida yoga certification. You'll be working with people who really need your expertise, and enjoying the reward of improving their health!


There are many options for getting your Florida yoga certification. From Miami to Orlando, yoga certification schools are a great option. They offer a more college-like setting which is perfect for those really wanting to sink their teeth into their yoga instructor training courses. The right yoga school is a great way to jump start your new career.

Perhaps a more flexible program is better suited for you. Yoga instructor courses across the state of Florida are teaching important yoga techniques to people like you. These classes offer a bit more flexibility, perfect for those interested in getting their Florida yoga certification while still keeping their day jobs. You can achieve your dream without giving up your current lifestyle! Night and weekend classes are available in most areas to accommodate busy schedules.

Whether you are a long-time lover of yoga who lives on the beach, or a city dwelling yoga novice, Florida offers you plenty of opportunities in the field. Yoga is versatile and anyone who gets their Florida yoga certification can be a successful yoga instructor. You deserve to get your certification today!

Florida Yoga Certification

Yoga is a great way to strengthen your mind and body and get in shape as well as a great way to unwind after a long day. Whatever your yoga equipment [] needs, we have the information and resources to point you in the right direction. We have yoga music, mats, clothes, pants, videos and journals as well as information on the different types of yoga [], postures and the history of yoga. If you are interested in becoming a yoga teacher learn more about yoga instructor certification requirements [] in your city or state.

Thanks To : World Health Club

How to Become a Yoga Teacher

If you want to instruct students in yoga classes, first you will need to learn how to become a yoga teacher and the steps that are involved. Most yoga instructors go through teacher training programs that end with a certificate after a certain number of hours. Then you will simply need to find a job at a gym, fitness center, yoga club, spa or other facility where yoga classes are offered. If you are passionate about yoga and have a calm demeanor, this may be an excellent job for you.

A good yoga teacher training program should be registered by the Yoga Alliance. Being accredited by this nationally recognized organization is a sign of a quality educational program in this field. There are 200-hour and 500-hour certificate programs. You will be able to find jobs at yoga studios with 200 hours of training, but the higher level of certification will help advance your career opportunities. And, if you want to teach a specialized type of yoga such as Anusara, Baptiste Power Yoga, Bikram or Iyengar you will need to complete an additional training program.


If you're thinking of becoming a yoga teacher, it would be a good idea to ask some of your favorite instructors where they completed their yoga training or if there is a training program nearby that they recommend. If there are no good schools nearby you may have to consider relocating. The Yoga Alliance Web site should have a list of suitable programs from which you can choose.

During your education you can expect to pay upwards of ,000 for the training program, but you may be able to get financial aid or pay in installments. Most programs last from one month to a year. The additional training for some of the specializations may last only a month or two, but it will be intensive.

The average salary for yoga instructors varies depending on the years of experience and specialization of the instructor, how many hours they work, and where they work. Annual salaries range from approximately ,000 to ,000. If this sounds good, the next step is figuring out where to get your training and get started! 

How to Become a Yoga Teacher

Want to become a Yoga Teacher? Find top Yoga Schools and Yoga Degree Programs on and start your path to a rewarding career. is an online education resource providing information about best massage therapy schools of USA and Canada that are offering massage degree programs in various disciplines.

Friends Link : Massage Guide To Herb

Stress Management Through Yoga

Stress, almost all are victim of this drastic term. People from all occupations are facing stress in their life in one way or the other. In this article I would like to summarize the causes and cure for stress through natural therapy called "YOGA". But before coming to that point we should have clear understanding of what exactly the stress is. Stress is usually a mental pressure exerted due to fatigue or excessive work. It is also caused from worrying about the work or happenings in the past, present or future. Suppose there is a businessmen exporting his products to several countries, his business is doing fine and growing but somehow a situation comes and he finds his business on decline though there might be some cause for this and it could be short lived making his business to bloom once again, but within this short span the person develops stress which may lead to severe mental hazards.

In the modern world we face stress in every sphere and every step of our life, whether we are in schools, colleges, offices etc. Students face stress due to exams, serviceman face stress due to huge pile of pending work etc. As a result people often practice medications like taking sedatives, narcotics and tranquilizers (medicines to cure anxiety) which calm the mind but in future it creates serious other maladies.


But still there is a therapy which is purely natural and is considered to be the best weapon against stress and that is "YOGA". Yoga is the ancient mantra for sound health and also to retain juvenility to a great extent. It has been practiced by several Rishi-Munis in ancient India and now has become a major concern among the modern genre too.

So back to stress management, Yoga provides a unique way of managing stress through Prayanama (A breathing technique), in this technique an individual do slow and steady breathing - like inhaling through his one nostril and exhaling through other. Besides there are fast breathing movements like intake of air through nostrils and exhaling through mouth at fast pace, this way air is passed properly through blood capillaries and the person feels himself / herself in light mode i.e. he / she feels that there is no burden over their mind and soul.

Dhyana (Meditation) is also a good method of controlling stress, in this part of Yoga a person sits in a posture (usually in relaxing mode) and concentrate his / her mind over one point with eyes closed. The mind is concentrated upto an extent when an individual feels that he / she has no interaction with the surroundings, infact the mind reaches in a neutral stage thereby relieving mental exhaustion. Hence yoga provides the best cure to this serious ailment which is disrupting the life of millions of people daily. Anyone practicing yoga daily is rarely suspected to stress, as yoga creates the mind and body immune to stress.

Finally Yoga has and is proving itself as "Stress Management Tool" and now a days it is being used in Western world too as a major alternative to the offensive allopathic drugs.

Stress Management Through Yoga

The author is an aspirant writer on Health. To get the latest books on yoga, best seller books, books from India log on to –

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What is Aqua Yoga?

Usually a yoga program is conducted in a classroom or on land surfaces. But a new concept of yoga has come into being known as aqua yoga. Just like novel games such as water aerobics, this new fitness program has emerged.

Practicing yoga in the water can provide a number of benefits. It acts as a safeguard against any injuries that will most likely occur on land. When you are practicing on hard surfaces, your knees and other muscles might get stiff and it may lead to injuries. The movements of your hands and legs become smoother in water and therefore your body will not experience the strain if you do aqua yoga. Water is often considered as a symbol of mental relief and it soothes your soul because it brings a sense of enthusiasm within you.


There are a few asanas which need to be practiced in the water such as the eagle standing pose, tree pose, the dancer pose adn various other yogasanas. You can perform these asanas quickly in water as compared to land because the ripples that are created in the water force your body to maintain the necessary pose.

Therefore start your yoga program with a difference - Aqua Yoga - today.

What is Aqua Yoga?

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

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How Long Does It Take to Become a Certified Yoga Teacher?

Being a yoga instructor is a very rewarding career, especially if you have a passion for helping others grow mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. It is your opportunity to touch someone's life in a positive way, teaching them to be flexible, how to build their strength, and how to enhance their life, through a feeling of unity with all life.

Teaching yoga, to others, is a form of service, and while it may seem like a fun job, it is a very serious and focused career as well. Many people, who want to become yoga instructors, often wonder how long training takes in order to become a certified instructor. The answer varies - depending on your level of commitment to learn. Outlined below is the general criteria needed to become certified.


Where to Begin Yoga Instructor Training

The first step in becoming a certified yoga instructor is to have practiced yoga yourself for at least several years. You must have a basic understanding of the fundamentals surrounding yoga including:

* Physical and individual growth

* Basic understanding of anatomy

* Focus on alignment when performing specific yoga positions

* Practicing proper technique.

Levels of Certification

There are two widely recognized levels of yoga certification:

The first is a 200-hour certification, which is something all prospective instructors should complete. This is the minimum amount of time it takes for you to earn certification. There is a slim chance that any facility will hire you without at least the 200-hour certification.

For those who are ambitious and career-oriented, the 500-hour certification is the road for you. More often than not, teachers, who have completed the 200-hour certification, will continue their studies. The 500-hour certification is also very important if you aspire to open your own yoga facility some day.

Once you have completed your training and earned your certification, you have gained the right to place the initials CYT (Certified Yoga Teacher) after your name, to signify your certification. This really helps with credibility in the yoga community at large.

How Long Will Yoga Certification Take

Training may take place at a physical location, while other programs offer training courses that are taken in the privacy of your own home. You move through home study yoga teacher programs at your own pace. You will also benefit by working hands-on with yoga friends or a local certified instructor, which can be done in combination with home coursework.

The average time to complete a 200-hour course is between three to five months. Completing the 500-hour course level may take from six months to a year for successful completion. Again, it all depends on your level of commitment and how fast you want to get the training done.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

How Long Does It Take to Become a Certified Yoga Teacher?

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

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Two Benefits of Yoga Meditation

In a typical Yoga session, you may practice meditation at the beginning of class, at the end of class, or both. There are many methods of meditation, but Yoga practitioners usually learn breath awareness, visualization, or focusing on an object.

All forms of meditation lead to a tranquil and trained mind, so to claim that one particular style of meditation is superior to all of the rest, would not be correct. Some methods may be more "user friendly," than others. This could lead to opinions about one style of meditation being better than another, but opinions are only a matter of preference.


If there is one solid benefit that we can observe from a meditation session, it is a state of concentration during meditation, and a state of relaxation after the session has ended. How can this be useful to a person and the community at large?

A mind that is trained by meditation will tend to concentrate on finishing tasks during the course of an average day. With all of our technology, attention deficit disorders flourish. Diet and lifestyle also play a role, but gadgets put everyone "on call."

Meditation and Yoga classes make it possible to unplug from all of the technical hardware and software we encounter on a daily basis. Yet, there is one very important and powerful way in which Yoga lessons and meditation can help all of us.

What is the number one cause of a poor quality lifestyle? In a word, it is "stress." High levels of stress can cause long-term health problems and premature death. With that said - the combination of Yoga and meditation, work toward creating a tranquil mindset within each of us.

We know that emotional problems can cause illnesses. Clarity of thought allows one to make rational decisions during stressful times. Let's face it, you cannot have a life without stress, but with meditation, you can learn to solve problems, which are stress-related.

Once a person learns to meditate, there is much less reason to consume intoxicants, which are often used to cope with high stress levels. If you talk to any addict, he or she will often admit to abusing alcohol, tranquilizers, and illegal drugs, as a result of overwhelming levels of stress.

This may not seem to be a rational solution, but look at the number of customers, who go to a liquor store in the course of a day. Compare that number to how many students attend a Yoga class in the same day. Keep in mind: This will only track alcohol consumption. There are many more ways to numb the senses.

The bottom line: Yoga and meditation offer rational solutions with no negative side-effects, but the community at large has to be educated to see the value.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Two Benefits of Yoga Meditation

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

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How Yoga Retreats Can Change Your Life

Yoga retreats enables a person to take time out from their everyday stresses, imposed by their normal living conditions and their working lives. The period of time spent there, permits them to spent quality time on themselves and to reconnect to their mind, body and spirit.

A yoga holiday is an ideal way to relax and recharge. It can also help to physically tone up the body externally and internally. Plus, they give a person the opportunity to enjoy scenic surroundings, as many yoga retreats are located in beautiful locations around the world.


Yet another important benefit of taking a yoga holiday is that time spent there encourages relaxation, by learning the art of yoga and meditation. This has long lasting affects because of being able to take away the knowledge of how to perform different Asana's yoga positions and techniques.

There is also the opportunity of enjoying a wide range of Holistic treatments which further encourage good health, plus physical and mental well-being.

Other activities, such as walking, cycling, excursions and the prospect of meeting like minded people are also accessible at yoga retreats. This adds to the opportunity to de-stress, revitalize and 'just be'.

Stress contributes to 70% of the world diseases, according to the The World Health Organisation (WHO). Many doctors now realise the benefits of yoga and by attending a yoga retreat or yoga holiday, you learn techniques which will lessen the likely-hood of a stress related illness.

The emotional benefits are also highlighted here, as stress is known to cause an emotional imbalance in an otherwise level headed person. By practising Yoga a person finds it's a great way of harmonising both mind, body and emotions.

Therefore, participating in a yoga retreat and in fact, even going on many different yoga retreats whenever possible, really does have both short term and long term benefits.

These specialist types of holidays are a fantastic way to recharge, retreat and then re-enter your everyday life, revitalized and with a great feeling of well-being, both mentally physically and spiritually

For the number one stress buster, you should definitely consider spending time at one of the many yoga retreats which are available.

But, do you want to spend your valuable time in a yoga retreat with a teacher who loves to share and communicate the ancient knowledge of Western and Eastern traditions through the healing power of yoga and meditation within her classes and her treatments?

If so, consider this gentle teacher, who encourages and supports you in her teaching and holistic therapy work in one of the most relaxing yoga retreats [].

How Yoga Retreats Can Change Your Life

Lucy was drawn to the practice of Hatha Yoga and the yoga philosophy while studying holistic therapies professionally in London in 1989. In the late 80's and early 90's, then in her twenties, she travelled independently in Nepal, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Bali, Australia, New Zealand, Sudan and the USA, where she broadened her studies of yoga, Eastern philosophy and the healing arts, including the American Indian tradition and philosophy.

Lucy, a qualified Holistic Therapist and international Yoga Teacher, has treated and taught hundreds of people from around the world, healing therapies and yoga for the last 20 years. Click the link to visit one of the most welcoming of yoga retreats

Thanks To : Help Me Sleep Well World Health Club

Yoga History 101

When you practice yoga, it is, of course, not necessary to have a full understanding of yoga history in order to fully benefit from your practice. A brief understanding of the history behind yoga, however, may increase your spiritual practice and inspire you to find out more about the tradition behind the discipline.

The first writings about yoga were written in Sanskrit in early religious manuscripts in India called the Vedas. The word 'yoga' has many meanings. The root of the word is 'yug' which means 'to hitch up', referring to fastening horse bridles to a carriage. But yoga also means 'to actively put to use' or 'yoke' or 'join'. Today, it is agreed upon that yoga is a method of joining or a discipline. Men who practice yoga are called yogi or yogin and women who practice yoga are called yogini.


Yoga was first passed from generation to generation by word of mouth. It wasn't until about 2000 years ago when an Indian named Patanjali wrote 'The Yoga Sutra' that the philosophy of yoga was committed to paper. Yoga is not just about stretching and breathing and holding poses. Yoga is a philosophy on how to live life and deal with the challenges that human beings face daily. The Yoga Sutra defined this philosophy in 195 statements.

Sutra can be defined as 'thread' or 'aphorism', which means 'a short declaration of truth'. It also means 'the concentration of a large quantity of information into a simple definition'. It is a way of looking at truths that apply to everyone despite culture in the clearest way possible.

Hatha yoga, or the yoga that you do when you take a yoga class or perform yogic poses, was begun as a physical form of meditation. The physical act of yoga calms your body and allows your mind to become calm. It also gives you the physical strength to sustain long periods of meditation.

When you perform the physical practice of yoga, you are only engaging in half of the discipline as it has been practiced for thousands of years. Yoga is an incredible form of exercise and calming for the body, but it can also be used as a spiritual practice and a way to calm the mind and will as well.

Yoga History 101

Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about getting started with yoga.

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Yoga Ethics For Instructors

No overruling organization for yoga instructors determines official, professional behavior standards, or even certification. Yoga professionals still debate over where certain lines should be drawn. Yet, certain ethics are inherent in the yogic path, and yoga instructors will do well to adhere to them.

The most important thing to remember, as a yoga teacher, is that you are helping to shape the well-being of your students, through your instruction. Respect the place that you occupy as a teacher. Instructors have to keep a tenuous balance that can be quite difficult. A balance must be found between healthy objectivity and the role of transcendental guide.


Each student is on his, or her, own path to wholeness. This wholeness involves a gestation of physical and emotional matters, often leading to charged feelings in the students. The focus of the yoga instructor should be to allow students to seek, and find, solutions to their own needs, in the learning process. Instructors must not focus on their own desires; otherwise, the growing process of both the students and the instructors will be stunted.

The nature of a yoga class is intimate. There is a great deal of focus on the body and opening of the body and a measure of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual release. Instructors often must touch their students to assist or correct a physical posture.

All of the students are paying close attention to the movements of the instructor. Some students will become infatuated, or attached, as they associate their release of tension, and spiritual growth, with that person. A compassionate yoga instructor is a guide, who shows his or her students, that the true teacher is already within each student.

© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Yoga Ethics For Instructors

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA.

He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

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Yoga and Asthma - The Benefits of Yoga

The many benefits of yoga have long been stated by yoga gurus and teachers, but there have not been many scientific studies to prove this. Lots of yoga practitioners rave about how great they feel and how many illnesses and symptoms have improved or disappeared after months and years of yoga practice.

A recent study has shown clear benefits from regular yoga practice on asthma symptoms. The study completed this year in New York followed two groups of people with asthma and no other significant types of difference. There was a control group consisting of 20 people who did not follow the yoga practice. After a ten week period the group of 20 doing regular yoga showed an improvement of 43 percent in heart rate variability, oxygen consumption and ventilation whilst performing two tasks compared to the control group who did no yoga.


This is great news for both people who do yoga and those with asthma, to improve your medical condition after ten weeks is quite amazing and to do so without any change in medication or procedures is wonderful. This is an improvement assessable to everyone although any exercise program should obviously be discussed with your doctor first.

Yoga can be adapted to consider any disability with a good yoga teacher; it is advisable to take some classes before using any home DVDs. The study group practiced three times a week, two classes and one home session equaling 165 minutes a week. I really want this information out there to help others, as a yoga practitioner and someone with asthma, I consider yoga to be essential to my general well being and health.

Yoga and Asthma - The Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is a wonderful way to get fit and healthy. There are many ways to get a healthier lifestyle. Check out

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Why Yoga?

Why are so many people getting into Yoga? While most of us are not really into the philosophical, metaphysical or religious basis of Yoga, although many of us are, the one thing that no-one can deny is the incredible rewards of greater health, vitality and balance that result from a regular Yoga practice.

In the east Yoga has been practised for thousands of years and shows no signs of flagging, in both India itself the birthplace of most forms of common Yoga, and in most Asian countries which have their own form of yoga known under different names.


What is Yoga?

Yoga is a system of techniques and disciplines that move the user to an end goal. The system may vary as in the many different forms of Yoga, but the end result is the same, to find the true balance within and without that leads to knowing the self completely.

Now that may seem like a big ask, but even taking a few steps toward that end goal can result in multi-faceted changes in your life as you begin to feel the effects of better posture, better focus and better health. Yoga literally means the 'union' of body, mind and soul that leads to enlightenment.

Within the many forms of Yoga there are the constants, those physical postures that enable the body to become more balanced, flexible and healthy and create a body awareness that can be felt in daily life. This body awareness helps to keep us healthier as we are able to become aware almost immediately of any imbalance in the body. In our busy world we are often too busy to take note of the smaller warning signs that our body is becoming overloaded, either through stress, toxicity or poor dietary and sleep habits and we often do not know we are becoming unwell until it is far too late to prevent. We end up sick and in bed and at times this can become the only time we take off from our busy schedules.

It is this Yoga cultivated body awareness that can help us to prevent and pre-empt most of these illnesses and become aware of the need to slow down and take some time for ourselves so that we can be at our best, and giving of our best at all times. We also get to enjoy our time off rather than spend it in bed wishing someone would just bury us alive.

The Character Of The Postures

An Asana or posture or pose, is meant to be refreshing and relaxing rather than fatiguing or requiring effort, although some forms of Yoga are a real workout. These postures when performed regularly are meant to create a stable and balanced use of your body in all situations. Some of the postures have been developed from copying the characteristic postures of animals, reptiles, insects and birds and others as form of dance performed as a prayer to the sun. All of them prepare the body for sitting, standing or moving in conscious stillness as meditation.

Before Performing a Yoga Workout

There are a few commonsense rules that should be observed before performing a Yoga workout:

  • Allow at least 2 to 3 hours to go by after a main meal and an hour after a snack
  • Empty the bladder and if possible the bowels
  • Sponge over your body to give a feeling of freshness before you begin
  • Wear loose fitting preferably stretchable clothing
  • Workout on a level floor or park and be sure the room has adequate ventilation
  • Use a thick blanket or yoga mat under your body
  • For greater control and for deepening your practice use a Yoga Swing

There are many types of Yoga filtering into Western society which means it will be easy to find one that suits you. There are the very traditional systems and the more westernised forms and amongst them you will find both hard Yoga and softer Yoga, my advice is to try a few different classes until you find the one that suits you.

Yoga can be a one way ticket to health, vitality and longevity so check out a yoga class or personal one on one instruction today.

Why Yoga?

Annie Robinson has been a Natural Practitioner for over 20 years, she specializes in metabolic disorders and their core preventable solutions. She also holds a Masters in Coaching and NLP and a Grad Dip in Education (science and history). Her passionate belief in everyone's ability to heal and manage all patterns of disease is her focus. Her partner Helen Eames is a Yoga Instructor who specialises in teaching Inyengar and Integral Yoga and together their business "balancenoosa" situated on the beautiful Sunshine Coast in sunny Queensland has the slogan "Wellness that Comes To YOU." They bring wellness solutions to your home, your business or your holiday unit and are about to launch an exciting new program of Lifestyle Makeover retreats. For more information on this subject or on 'balancenoosa' please see: or the balancenoosa Blog: BalanceNoosa Blog

My Links : Natural body spa Yoga Massage

Yoga Pants Today - Fashion Meets Function

Once you have begun to see the positive affect that yoga has had on your body, mind, and soul. You might begin to wonder how you can dress more appropriately for your yoga class. While some people think that sweats make the cut, they often times are too baggy to be comfortable during yoga. Instead, you might opt to get a pair of yoga pants. While you might consider sweat-pants to be comfortable. You obviously haven't stepped foot into the legs of a specialty yoga style pant. Now, these are the kinds of pants that will surely take the place of your ugly old sweats. Not only will your new pair of yoga pants help you during your yoga sessions. But they will also give you an additional comfort during the winter seasons, or a lazy day around the house.

There are many different styles of yoga pants available, however they all have a couple things in common. They are all soft, extremely comfortable, and are made to fit you perfectly! Whether you prefer a solid color, or a bold print there is a yoga pant for you. Available in hundreds of soothing chakra appealing colors such as: pastel blue, vibrant yellow, burgundy, purples, and many more.


The OM symbol is only one of the many prints you can find on yoga pants. Often times accompanied by brilliantly beautiful lotus flowers or Buddha. They can be found in organic material, such as cotton. Or man-made fabrics such as velour. Most having a draw-string closure, and a slightly flared pant-leg to offer room to move. Allowing the pant to conform to your body type, and allow you to move freely. All without having to worry about your pants!

One of the only down-sides to purchasing yoga pants. Is that they aren't as readily accessible as you might think. Instead, are being offered by specialty stores locally and online. Stores such as this one, will offer a wide variety of pants to help you attain your goal in yoga. Whether it be to limber your limbs, or to achieve a higher sense of self. Give yourself some added comfort, with a pant that is specifically designed with yoga in mind!

Yoga Pants Today - Fashion Meets Function

The three popular types of yoga you may have heard of are hatha yoga, power yoga and bikram yoga. Hatha yoga is the style of yoga most practiced today. It is what you will think of when you think of yoga in general. Power yoga is a more aerobic-style yoga, with an emphasis on cardio. Bikram yoga is a style of yoga performed in a heated room to accelerate detoxification. Universal Yoga sells everything you need to practice these and other forms of yoga, pilates and meditation including yoga pants [], yoga mats, workout clothing, yoga tops, incense burners, Buddha statues, yoga blankets, incense burners [], uplifting apparel and yoga videos.

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