What is Aqua Yoga?

Usually a yoga program is conducted in a classroom or on land surfaces. But a new concept of yoga has come into being known as aqua yoga. Just like novel games such as water aerobics, this new fitness program has emerged.

Practicing yoga in the water can provide a number of benefits. It acts as a safeguard against any injuries that will most likely occur on land. When you are practicing on hard surfaces, your knees and other muscles might get stiff and it may lead to injuries. The movements of your hands and legs become smoother in water and therefore your body will not experience the strain if you do aqua yoga. Water is often considered as a symbol of mental relief and it soothes your soul because it brings a sense of enthusiasm within you.


There are a few asanas which need to be practiced in the water such as the eagle standing pose, tree pose, the dancer pose adn various other yogasanas. You can perform these asanas quickly in water as compared to land because the ripples that are created in the water force your body to maintain the necessary pose.

Therefore start your yoga program with a difference - Aqua Yoga - today.

What is Aqua Yoga?

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