5 Yoga Routines For Your Body

Yoga is another routine that you can adopt to keep yourself healthy and fit. With yoga routine you will not only ensure health and fitness but you will feel refreshed as well. It is common for most of us to put on weight by staying inactive or to put it simply leading a less active life. It is for this reason that exercises are there so that one can stay fit and healthy and lead an active life.

Although, most of us hate to exercise not only because we don't have much time but it leaves it sweaty and tired. If you feel this way then the best alternative is to include yoga routine in your daily life. Yoga routine will make you feel fresh and your mind at peace. You can perform a yoga routine of 15-minutes long and feel the difference.


Given below are some yoga routines that will also help you increase flexibility.

5 Yoga Routines For Your Body

1. Janushirsasana: Start by sitting on floor with the legs in front of you and straight. Now bend your left leg such that foot's sole rests on inside thigh of the right leg. When done, bend forward with your arms raised and hold the right foot toe with both the hands. Bring your face as closer to it as you can and hold the position for a minute before returning to original position. Perform same for the other leg.

2. Shalabhasana: Start by lying flat on belly on the floor. Make sure that your arms are at the side. By balancing on the lower belly part, lift your arms, heads, legs and torso off the floor. Hold this position for one minute before gently returning to original position.

3. Dhanurasana: For this you have to lie flat on floor on belly. Now bend the knees and using your hands reach to reach back, get hold of the ankles. Now pull the legs up with the hands holding the ankles and lift the torso and head up. Stay in this position for one minute before gently returning to original position.

4. Halasana: For this lie on the floor on your back. Now try touching the tip of the floor that is above the head by lifting hips and legs and swinging them over to do so. Hold this position for one minute.

5. Shavasana: Lie on the floor on your back and close your eyes. Let your body feel weightless at the same time breathe slowly and deeply. Relax yourself by staying inthis position for one minute.

5 Yoga Routines For Your Body

Finding the perfect Workout Routines [http://www.workoutroutines.biz] takes time and effort. These best workout routines is a great place to start if a person is interested in flat abs. The P90X [http://www.workoutroutines.biz/p90x-extreme-home-workout.html] workout routines is also another workout that will help develop flat abs.

All You Need to Do to Have a Rockin' Teen Yoga Class - A Checklist For Teaching Teens Yoga

Teaching yoga to teens can be a daunting task. They want to access all the benefits they've heard about yoga, or try it out since their favourite celebrity is doing it. However, teens do not put up with any garbage and will call on it if they think you are faking or unsure of yourself. Here is a checklist that I go through when preparing my teen yoga classes. Follow it and you're sure to have fantastic classes full of finding inner strength, having fun, and discovering the wonderful world of yoga.

1) Know your Audience


In order to teach teens you have to know teens. Tap into their world. Find out what's 'hot,' and what's 'so last year.' You'll also need to know what level of yoga your students are expecting. These days many teens have done yoga with their sports teams or as an extra-curricular activity. However, there are still a lot of first timers out there. You may have to cater your classes to both groups so be sure to provide quality instruction.

All You Need to Do to Have a Rockin' Teen Yoga Class - A Checklist For Teaching Teens Yoga

2) Plan your Time

Know your time frame and plan accordingly. Classes may be 50, 60 or 80 minutes in length. Be sure to factor in an introduction and talk time. These are teens after all and they love to talk. Yoga class is also a wonderful place to discuss coping strategies for real life problems so be flexible and allow them to share. Also, like any good yoga class you'll need a warm-up, workout, and cooling portions within your class plan. Of course, sufficient time for Corpse Pose, savasana, is essential before you send them away with Namaste.

3) Organize the Flow

This part will depend on the goals of the class. Is it a flow class, Ashtanga, Hot Yoga, or intro to Hatha Yoga? Maybe you'll offer a yoga sampler class for teens to try out a variety of styles. Whatever the goal, be sure to organize the poses following standard yoga instruction guidelines. Leaving a little extra time for adjustments and verbal instruction is always a good idea to make sure all the students are performing the poses and breathing exercises properly and safely.

4) Create a Playlist

Teens love music! Give them what they love. Download the top hits and create a rockin' playlist. Remember this is NOT their mother's yoga class. This is a TEEN class. Relaxing meditative tracks are great for during relaxation, but otherwise crank the Rock & Rock, R&B, Alternative, Top40, etc. and get your groove on. If you have no idea what your students are listening to ask them to offer suggestions. They may even put together the playlist for you - in half the time.

5) Prepare your Space

All good yoga instructors will arrive early for class. This is no different. Classes may be held in community centres, churches, school athletic rooms, libraries, and so on. Some of these spaces will need extra preparation time. Be sure to check over the space you are using for your class and prepare it adequately for your students. Their yoga experience should not be hampered by their environment.

6) Rock their Yoga World

Showtime! Put it all together and have a great time teaching teens about the joy of yoga. The benefits will some be apparent to them. They will have greater self-confidence, more flexibility, and learn coping skills to take with them off the mat. Remember be yourself. Be genuine. Your class may be exactly what they need to build a lifelong yoga practice.

That's it. If you follow the "Checklist for Teaching Teens Yoga," you're sure to find success. Your classes will be hip, fun, and provide an opportunity for teens to discover their inner yogi.

All You Need to Do to Have a Rockin' Teen Yoga Class - A Checklist For Teaching Teens Yoga

Donna Freeman is a yoga instructor, teacher, mother of four, and honey to 1. She has been doing yoga since 1997 and teaching it since 2002. Passionate about yoga for kids and teens, she loves showing parents and teachers how to share the joy of yoga with children of all ages. Visit http://www.yogainmyschool.com/ for all you ever wanted to know about yoga for kids and teens.

Yoga For Increasing Height - Top 5 Height Enhancing Yoga Postures to Grow Taller Fast Revealed!

If you are also one of those people who are not satisfied with their height then this is for you. Many of you may not know this but yoga is one thing which can actually increase your height naturally. You do not need to take any kind of supplements or go for any surgery while performing yoga. All you need to do is just be regular and committed towards your goal.

Here are some of the exercises performed during yoga for increasing height:


* Stretching Postures- Stretching posture is one of the most beneficial one to increase height. Tadasan is the most useful stretching exercise performed in yoga which increases your height. It stretches the muscles of the body and internally gives your body the oxygen it requires to function properly. It not only affects the height regularizes the system of the body.

Yoga For Increasing Height - Top 5 Height Enhancing Yoga Postures to Grow Taller Fast Revealed!

* Surya Namaskar- this is another posture where in, you stand straight with body stretched and hands high in the air joined together. You will have to stand on one leg only as the other leg will touch the right one. Hold this position of for as long as you can with inhaling the air in and out.

Apart from these, you have to maintain a right posture if you really wish to see the benefits of yoga for increasing height. Some other postures are- standing, sitting, inverted and balancing postures. Surya namaskar is the example of balancing posture. In all these your body has to be straight and proper breathing is needed. There would be no result if you don't balance and breathe properly.

Other than yoga for increasing height, bar hanging, playing basket ball, jumping etc are some other exercises that can be performed for growing your height. There are some supplements too that are available in the market for the same but I advise that you must consult your doctor before taking them. One can also go for limb lengthening surgery as it is considered to be very safe and the results have been positive in more than 95% cases.

Yoga For Increasing Height - Top 5 Height Enhancing Yoga Postures to Grow Taller Fast Revealed!

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Yoga Tips and Tricks - Swami Ramdev Baba Yoga Tips and Tricks

Yoga is very beneficial for your whole body if it is done properly and regularly. Every one has the busy schedule in this fast life. No one has the time to go for medicine, doctor and body care centers. Therefore yoga now a day is taking popularity to keep the body feet and away from disease.

It is very important to have the proper and right information before going for yoga. Yoga is natural and has no side effects on body. Yoga is ancient art of keeping body fit and healthy. You will find no need to go to the doctor if you promise for regular practice of yoga. It will develop your mental, physical and spiritual power.


You would have definitely heard the name and news of Swami Ramdev Baba. Swami Ramdev Baba is in the news since last two years. Swami Ramdev Baba believes on natural cure and natural medicines. Swami Ramdev Baba is an Indian and now he is become so very famous personality in India as well and aboard. Recently they have visited many countries and share his view about yoga. Swami Ramdev Baba always insists peoples to bring yoga in their regular practice.

Yoga Tips and Tricks - Swami Ramdev Baba Yoga Tips and Tricks

There are some important tips and tricks how to keep yourself fit with yoga. But it is also recommended to take expert advices in case you have some physical problems as it can be problem in some types of yoga exercise. Ramdev Baba has several offers their advice for free in their regular camps. You can also watch his TV program in the morning and in the evening. Read more about Ramdev Baba Yoga.

Yoga Tips Tricks

Yoga offer many benefits to your body, mind and spirit. If you have just developed your mind to practice yoga then first you should take some advice from yoga experts or join yoga classes. You can also join Ramdev Baba Yoga Shivirs which are many times organized in India and sometimes in aboard. You can call personally and ask about their program schedules.

Start doing yoga with little practice. Give some time each day for yoga. Don't to try to do over. Check your yoga positions whether it is correct. If you practice yoga in wrong poses then you will not get any benefits out of it.

Don't go for single yoga exercise. Always try to adopt different types of yoga as they will offer extra benefits to you. Extend your Yoga timings as per expert advice and tips or you can increase it slowly-slowly.

Practice with different kinds of yoga exercises will boost your self confidence and gradually you will find no need for yoga classes and teachers.

Make sure about the perfect attention for yoga. Don't try to do hard work. Learn about inner attentions as it will benefit you after some time. Try to get more benefits from yoga with your yoga teacher.

Select right yoga teacher. Always try to select a teacher with whom you find your self comfortable. He should be perfect in yoga teaching. He should have the some experience of yoga. Learn yoga exercise in right and perfect positions and poses. Read about Ramdev Yoga

These are some tips and tricks of yoga exercise. Make yourself perfect in yoga exercises and the time will come when you will see a huge change in your mental and physical strength. Yoga will develop and improve your mental skills, power and increase your concentrating power.

Yoga Tips and Tricks - Swami Ramdev Baba Yoga Tips and Tricks

How Does Yoga Reduce Your Stress?

The human body is a wonderful thing. It can take an unusual amount of punishment and stress, and still heal itself. But it needs your help to accomplish this cure. In order to rejuvenate your body's natural defense system, you need to relax. Relaxation and rest will cure many diseases.

Certain yoga poses will help to stimulate glands in the brain, and will put the body into the Alpha state. The Alpha state will help increase the creative thought process, as well as help the body heal itself. The Alpha state is often attained during savasana, the final resting pose in yoga practice.


Yoga exercise consists of smooth stretches and twists combined with deep symmetrical breathing to help the body loosen up tight strained muscles, stretching the spinal column and relieving stress on the discs and joints. The muscles are stretched out releasing the poisons and toxins in the body. Pranayam (breathing exercises) help flush the lung tissues, allowing an increased oxygen level to enter the bloodstream, which fights off infection and helps the body heal itself.

How Does Yoga Reduce Your Stress?

On a physical level, yoga will increase strength, flexibility and grace. But equally important, yoga exercise will reduce stress levels by the process of healing and cleansing the mind along with healing the body. Yoga views the body as having multiple levels or layers, and the various exercises and postures help create an energy flow throughout the mind and body.

All of the stress that we are subject to results in a great deal of physical tension in your body. Yoga can reduce this stress and tension level and eliminate toxins from the body. Yoga also helps clear the mind and spirit. Asana (posture), pranayama (breathing) and dhyana (meditation) will help release muscular tension which leads to better stress management and generates an overall feeling of well being.

Yoga resting poses help to release abdominal tension, allowing improved digestive functions. The yoga resting poses also allow the body to enter into a relaxed calm state, which is free from the fight or flight stress, which also helps the body to rejuvenate itself. Yoga also helps create focus, which allows our mind to relax and clear negative thoughts.

For those who just now discovering yoga, it truly is the best exercise method that not only increases your body's strength, but will reduce your stress levels and improve your mental health.

How Does Yoga Reduce Your Stress?

Sydney Heiden is a practitioner of yoga and founder of Yoga and Meditation for Beginners. For more yoga tips and information, go to her website, www.Yoga.Cool-Home-Stuff.com.

Yoga Clothing - What To Wear For Yoga?

The right yoga clothes will make your exercises a lot more enjoyable. The practice of yoga is a combination of various body poses. The goal is to promote a healthy and fit body. The question still remains - what should I wear?

It would help, if you knowing what you shouldn't wear. Don't wear anything that will restrict bodily movements. The obvious items including jeans, dress shirts will not allow the body to relax and breathe freely. As simple as it is, make sure that you take the time to use the proper clothing. Here are some things to look for in good clothing choices for yoga:


Loose-fitting is good- Form fitting clothing restricts the blood flow inhibits the correct breathing techniques. You should be able to able to perform various yoga poses. Try yoga shorts, sweat clothes, leotards or yoga pants.

Yoga Clothing - What To Wear For Yoga?

Sweat absorbent- Lastly, there are some clothing options that are excellent. For example, the materials that they are made of are able to absorb sweat and keep it away from the skin. Look for specific yoga clothing selections for these.

Comfortable- You should be comfortable wearing whatever you choose. Since the objective is to relax you should never be worried about what you look like.

Yoga shoes/socks?- In some studios you are allowed to wear yoga shoes/socks. You should inquire ahead of time to be better prepared.

Just make sure your clothes fit your personal style and you'll be able to keep your mind on what you were there to do in the first place - Practice Yoga!

Yoga Clothing - What To Wear For Yoga?

Mike Singh is the publisher of http://www.yoga-made-ez.com/ On his website he provides free yoga lessons and more articles about health benefits of yoga.

Yoga For Sports Training - 8 Famous Professional Athletes Who Practice Yoga

So we've all heard that many pros practice yoga for sports training. But who exactly does yoga benefit the most? Does it work better for some sports rather than others? I was quite curious to find out, so I did a little bit of research and found a very impressive (and diverse) list of famous professional athletes who practice yoga to improve their game performance. In no particular order:

  1. Le Bron James. Perhaps the most well-known player in the NBA, Le Bron attributes his good health to his regular yoga practice.
  2. Maria Sharapova. Famous for her grace and performance in tennis, she says:" When I travel to tournaments I put the disk in my computer three or four times a week and do yoga for about an hour. It helps my flexibility and gets me more relaxed, especially after a good workout. I enjoy it, and it helps my game tremendously."
  3. The entire Philadelphia Eagles NFL team. The famous Baron Baptiste yoga guru led the team through their yoga for sports training for four years!
  4. Tim Thomas. The Boston Bruins and US Olympic goaltender says he "had no idea what [he] was getting [himself] into" and he was sweating within 5 minutes."My whole career has been about proving to people that I can play in the NHL and that I can be very successful in the NHL so yoga's part of that journey."
  5. Ex-Laker Kareem Abdul-Jabar. He has been quoted saying "There is no way I could have played as long as I did without yoga."
  6. Daylan Childress, Cincinnati Reds Pitcher. This baseball player uses yoga to relieve stresses in his body and cure back pain.
  7. The Ottawa Senators NHL team. They reported that the fewer injuries in the 2006-07 season were the fruit of their yoga training.
  8. Shaquille O'Neal.


Wow! What a diverse group of well-known professional athletes! In this list, we have got basketball, tennis, football, hockey, and baseball players who all use yoga for sports training. I think it is safe to say that no matter what sport you are playing, you will benefit from practicing yoga.

Yoga For Sports Training - 8 Famous Professional Athletes Who Practice Yoga
Yoga For Sports Training - 8 Famous Professional Athletes Who Practice Yoga

Did you know that Le Bron James and Maria Sharapova both practice yoga to enhance their athletic abilities? Don't you ever wish you could dramatically improve your performance? Join the revolution, and find out how yoga for athletes can skyrocket your playing to a new level: http://www.squidoo.com/yoga-for-athletes

The Best Yoga DVD For Men

The best beginner's yoga DVD for men is the one that men actually will use.

Until Bruce Willis develops a series of "Explosive Yoga" DVD's, go with whatever looks good, promising you will stick with it at least through one entire practice. This is, a promise you that will try to keep pushing yourself through one entire practice, because you very quickly will discover that yoga makes football, rugby, and cage fighting look easy. If you collapse half-way through the practice, expect the woman in your life simply to smile, nod, and say, "If it were easy, honey, boys would do it."


Guys, you really must get over some of your stereotypes, misconceptions, and prejudices about yoga. Ancient mystics did not invent yoga because they had foreseen the advent of soccer moms seeking stretching and breathing exercises they could work-in between carpools and shopping. Ancient mystics did not develop the disciplines, practices, and spiritual blah-dee for the sake of studying the cute college coeds at the gym. In fact, if you would get off the weight machines and actually try yoga, you immediately would develop appreciation and admiration for its difficulty. In fact, if you would try yoga, you would discover that the soccer moms and coeds have strong, flexible muscles and cardiovascular fitness you barely can begin to imagine. And they feel centered, at-peace, and content, too.

The Best Yoga DVD For Men

Protecting yourself against painful public humiliation, guys, you should rent a couple of yoga DVD's, learning the basics and enduring the initiation in the privacy of your own living room. No tight bike shorts required. As you begin, the best yoga DVD will be the one you pick-up, put in the machine, and follow. You may start anywhere as long as you start.

Guys, any yoga DVD will be the best for you if it inspires you to practice the poses every day. Motivation does not matter. If the best yoga DVD has the most attractive women in the cutest yoga pants, making you look forward to join in the exercise with them, fine. If you have conceived an impossible crush on the instructor in the best yoga DVD, hoping she somehow will notice you through the broadband, fine. As long as you crank-up the machine and fire-up yourself to go through the poses with proper attention to form, breathing, discipline, and meditation, then you have found the best yoga DVD, and you should work it.

The Best Yoga DVD For Men

Ashley J Michaels is an home economist and yoga practitioner. For a highly regarded current list of the Best Yoga DVD's please visit http://bestyogadvd.net/

Yoga Insights: Walking Yoga Meditation

Walking meditation is more difficult for most Yoga students, than breath awareness meditation, but it is very beneficial to those students who have difficulty sitting still. Some Yoga practitioners are more restless than most of us, so this is when walking Yoga meditation comes in handy, but we should all give it a try. You will find walking Yoga meditation to be a very rewarding practice for your mind, body, and spirit.

When you first start practicing walking Yoga meditation, you should set a steady pace and breathe naturally. Once you have established your pace, you should then try to focus on your breath without controlling it.


The first exposure I had with walking meditation was in Kundalini Yoga practice. We would establish how many foot steps per inhale and how many foot steps per exhale. This is your own natural breathing pattern and it may be difficult to get the typical Yogic breathing - One part inhale to two part exhale ratio.

Yoga Insights: Walking Yoga Meditation

An example of the one to two Yogic breathing patterns would be: You inhale for three steps and exhale for six steps. Please bear in mind that each of us will breathe differently. Some of us may find the one to two Yoga breathing to be a strain, so your natural breathing pattern is important to establish.

It will take a while to focus on your natural breathing pattern and determine what the correct ratio is for you. Whatever you do, it should be easy and this should not be a strain.

Later in life, I learned Sanchin Kata. Sanchin is an Okinawan Karate form that may seem simple from the outside looking in, but is, in fact, a form of walking meditation.

The breathing is different in Sanchin practice, but the movement is repetitious enough to qualify for an example of meditation in motion. This exercise can teach you many things, but one valuable component is not to worry about your breathing, or anything else in life, if possible.

When you decide to try walking Yoga meditation, you should choose your location carefully. Choose a course that you are familiar with. This must be a safe place for walking Yoga meditation. During day light hours a local park is a safe place you could try a walking Yoga meditation session. Walking across or through traffic would not be recommended.

Although, it is very beautiful up north, during the foliage season, you would want to keep your awareness very keen. Bears, bucks, moose, mountain lions, wolves, coyotes, and some people, do not have the same appreciation for walking Yoga meditation and you want to be careful about what you stumble across. You should also be aware that people do hunt in season, or out, and are not always where you expect them to be. Once I ran into a hunting party, with a complete entourage of dogs, in a wildlife refuge.

Therefore, carefully choose a walking course that will keep you out of harm's way. Morning hours are always my favorite. Take the time to develop mindfulness of each step and each breath. Try to walk without talking, when you have a companion with you. This silent walking will keep your mind in the moment and you will be able to take the surroundings in, without disrupting your meditation.

Yoga and Yoga meditation can be carried into many aspects of your life. Walking Yoga meditation is just one example of this.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Yoga Insights: Walking Yoga Meditation

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. http://www.riyoga.com He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit: http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/index.html

The Different Types of Yoga - An Introduction to The Most Common Yoga Styles

Yoga is a training system for body and mind that can be traced back more than 5000 years. It focuses on what is here and now and on being present. Therefore yoga has become more popular than ever - it brings back focus on the present, in a world that is constantly changing and where humans are often focusing on the future instead of the present. There are many different types of yoga and they are all a development of the ancient form. However, as a beginner it can be very difficult to know which type of yoga to try out with. Only by trying different styles, you can find out which one suit you better. Therefore, this article will provide you with a brief overview of some of the most common types of yoga.



The classical Hatha yoga consists of the original physical postures and breathing exercises, usually done in a calm and relaxed pace with pauses between the positions. Most of the yoga types performed in the West are inspired by Hatha, and they all vary in their shape in terms of 'asanas' - the natural positions - and their focus on breathing and meditation. The focus of Hatha is typically to perform the classic posts properly in accordance with the body's abilities. 'Ha' means in Sanskrit 'sun' while 'tha' means 'moon'. Hatha represents the duality in life - yin and yang, masculine and feminine, darkness and light. Hatha Yoga tries to balance these opposing forces.

The Different Types of Yoga - An Introduction to The Most Common Yoga Styles


Vinyasa yoga is more dynamic than Hatha yoga since the yoga exercises are performed at a fast pace without long breaks between them in a flow. The name Vinyasa refers to the movement respiratory system, and it is about the relationship of the breath and the movements.During the practise of Vinyasa yoga much heat is formed in the body and therefore the body produces a lot of waste through sweat.


Astanga yoga is a very physically challenging type of yoga, and provides good training for strength, flexibility and endurance. Astanga yoga consists of a series of yoga exercises performed in a flow without a break in between. In Astanga Yoga, the breathing must be coordinated with the movements as in Vinyasa Yoga.


Yin yoga is developed by Paul Grilley, and is a tranquil type of yoga, which focuses on deep stretching and balancing of the body. In Yin Yoga positions are held for a long time. Yin yoga combines wisdom from Taoism and Chinese acupuncture with the Indian yoga philosophy.


Power yoga is based on Astanga yoga and for those who want a vigorous workout. This type of yoga is often seen in gyms and fitness centers. Even though it is based on Astanga yoga, it is often a mixture of many different types of yoga, forming a very dynamic yoga class.


Iyengar Yoga was developed by B.K.S. Iyengar - one of the most known yoga teachers in the world. In the physical positions there is a strong emphasis on detail and on body position and straight lines. Another characteristic of this yoga style is that it frequently uses tools such as blocks and belts. In Iyengar yoga, each position is often held for a long time, and the breathing deepens the effect of each position.


Tri Yoga is a trinity of physical poses, breathing, and focus on a combination of flow and static positions. Characteristic of this type of yoga is the use of wave-like backbone movements and breathing exercises. The founder Kali Ray has created seven levels of severity and meditative content.


Sivananda yoga is a gentle form of yoga and recommends a healthy vegetarian lifestyle and positive thinking and meditation. This yoga style was founded by Swami Vishnu-devananda. A Sivananda yoga class also consists of chanting, meditation and deep relaxation.


Kundalini yoga includes physical exercise but is concentrated on breathing exercises and chanting. The purpose is to awaken the kundalini energy located at the bottom of the spine and help it to move up along the spine through the body's chakras in order to reach your head and give a strong spiritual experience. Kundalini is very powerful and should only be exercised in collaboration with an experienced teacher.

The Different Types of Yoga - An Introduction to The Most Common Yoga Styles

click here to read more articles on yoga [http://natural-holistic.com/index.php?/yoga-types.html] and other related issues.