How You Can Fight Depression With Exercise - Add Activity to Your Medicine Cabinet

We don't need a complex PPO plan or a recommendation from our local physician to obtain medication that heals emotional pain. And a co-payment is not requested because the cures that generate the most happiness won't depress our wallet. These natural remedies can awaken our soul to life's beauties and turn our blues into blue skies. They cannot be seen because they aren't a physical substance. We are the scientists who manufacture this treatment and the doctors who self-prescribe it. So how do we create this powerful and affordable drug and concoct these intangible pills? The answer can be summed up in one word; move!

Exercise is the ultimate cure-all, and the only long-term side effects gained from this medicine are increased energy levels, elevated self esteem, and endless health benefits. We need to realize that whatever we do while in a state of depression, we must do something! While it may seem easy and comforting to befriend the couch during a dark time, it takes constant movement to reach the top of the steep hill our mentality is climbing. And think of the effortless thrills we'll experience on the journey back down! These elated sensations are caused by tiny chemicals that hold a large amount of power and mind altering abilities. Everyone has heard of endorphins and know that they are good, but let's take a quick look inside our head and witness the extent of their capabilities. Endorphins are neurotransmitters that are produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus during strenuous activity, and they interact with opiate receptors and modify the communication between nerve cells and transmitters, thus preventing these nerve cells from releasing pain. Wow, that was a mouth full! Basically, they are "natural pain relievers," or as I like to call them the "happy hoppers." These busy optimists have many roles within our body, and they offer a convenient pharmacy to our emotions with their healing powers to numb pain, evoke euphoria, decrease stress levels, and increase immunity.


Nothing entices the "happy hoppers" to bounce throughout our body like prolonged exercise, and while in this state of motion we can experience a jubilation known as a "runners high." In 2000 Duke University conducted a study that revealed for some people, working out three times a week for 45 minutes can induce an emotional response similar to the one brought on by the antidepressant Zoloft. If we want to increase the potency of the exercise pills, we should participate in outdoor activities, thus combining the powerful drug with the health benefits of vitamin D derived from the sun. This mixture is one concoction that can't be mimicked in a lab. Embark on a remedial adventure such as yoga on a glistening beach, a hike through the scenic wilderness, a run along a flowering path, or a bike ride through a lush park. Talk about physical therapy! Ecstasy is created within, and nothing makes us feel better than the self fulfillment of fitness achievement along with the natural elation that is sparked from this action!

We have the power to be our own doctor and prescribe to ourselves the minor ways to majorly heal. Next time we're feeling sad and have a desire to lie down, we have to find the will power to get up and continue progressing. The faster and more frequently we move, the sooner we will reach our final destination to the land of inner peace!

No health and wellness website can be complete without telling you to fight depression with exercise and not anti-depressants.

How You Can Fight Depression With Exercise - Add Activity to Your Medicine Cabinet

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