Jhana yoga is a form of meditation that allows you to reach enlightenment, with great practice you can obtain this state of mind all the time. This is a type of knowledge and understanding for you to live by using you're energy, thought, emotions in a more effective way.
What is this enlightenment and how you find it. They say enlightenment is to follow the path of truth. People search everywhere for the true path, but they forget to start within themselves first. Not looking in your thoughts, but in your heart. When you find the truth within your heart, you'll then find it in life and as well as in the universe. We can find truth by observation, looking through the heart and letting it lead you into meditation where your mind is in a peaceful state of being.
This is a very difficult form of meditation to constantly achieve and it can only come from practicing deep self-inquiry. In doing so, you will learn to understand the true nature of our mind and go beyond what you perceive as reality. Learn to live moment by moment and all the truth in that moment alone.
Meditation originated from Asian religious practices, in India, China and Japan. There is no specific date recorded, but it is rooted back to ancient times with techniques dating from over 5000 years ago, even dated back in the Bible with Moses. Its purpose was for religious believes and the health factors that come with it.
Buddha was the first to make an icon in meditation, around 500 B.C. Then the Easter-styles of meditation expanded; Buddhist, Hinduism even Christianity. They still practice strongly to this day. It didn't become popular in the West till the 1960's and 1970's. That's when it vastly expanded into many different forms as we know of them today.
Jhana Yoga
The three popular types of yoga you may have heard of are hatha yoga, power yoga and bikram yoga. Hatha yoga is the style of yoga most practiced today. It is what you will think of when you think of yoga in general. Power yoga is a more aerobic-style yoga, with an emphasis on cardio. Bikram yoga is a style of yoga performed in a heated room to accelerate detoxification. Universal Yoga sells everything you need to practice these and other forms of yoga, pilates and meditation including yoga bolsters [http://www.universalyoga.com/], yoga mats [http://www.universalyoga.com/yogamats.html], workout clothing, meditation cushions, uplifting apparel and yoga DVDs.
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