Yoga Stretching Exercises Made Easy

Stretching exercises help attain a peaceful life with physical and mental well-being. In our daily life we need to do regular stretching exercise in order to keep ourselves fit and keeping away from muscle injuries and muscle stiffness. The stretching exercise should be simple, i.e. neither much more nor too little. Excess stretching exercise increases the level of blood consumption in our body. Too little stretching exercise makes our body stiff and reduces blood production and also affects the circulation of the blood.

In our modern lifestyle, we have become more sedentary and it has forced us to use the labour-saving machines. Thus we do not get much physical exercise as required for our sound living. It is due to our hectic lifestyle and increased stress levels and also lack of appropriate physical exercise.. To resolve this problem, there is an adequate method, which is said to be stretching exercise.


To loosen up our muscles and increases the blood circulation in our body, you must become more flexible. It strengthens our muscles and also its ligaments, which ultimately results into strengthening our bones too. It also makes us physically and mentally more relaxed than as compared to other exercises.

Yoga Stretching Exercises Made Easy

Compared with other physical activities, flexibility is much easier and faster to achieve than, say, muscle building. It can be done at late afternoon or also in early evening and for the people who are not early raiser they can do it at first wake up. Warm-up of our body is an important factor for us to remember before we start stretching exercise.

During flexibility practices, we should always breathe normally and also relax at every stretch. We should not at once bounce on stretching exercise and also not stretch in excess and also too fast that our body can't bare it. However we must do it slowly and steadily according to our body stamina i.e. increase our stretch day by day. The most important stretches of our body are the back-stretches and to extend the flex and to turn around the spine also. We should also do the stretching of the backs of the legs, which tend to get tighten up.

Here are some simple flexibility exercises that make our mornings more relaxed and with fill the rest of our day with enthusiasm.

Calf Correct Foot Position


Normal Stretch

Quadriceps Standing

Side Lunge

Leg Over

Fetal Position

Lower Back-Cat Stretch

Elbows Back

Shoulder Strangle

Bicep-Wall Stretch

Hand Down Spine

Chin to Chest Front

It is necessary to first warm-up before we start any flexibility exercises. If you avoid warm-up exercises, it could lead to be injurious to our muscles. Each of these above listed stretching exercise should be done by holding the stretch for about 20 to 30 seconds.

Lastly we can say that stretching made our life more simple and exciting as we become less lethargic and become more active in our daily routine work.

Yoga Stretching Exercises Made Easy

Double your flexibility in 28 days using YOGABODY Naturals Flexibility Kit. Stretching Exercises & yoga poses are not enough... you need Gravity Poses and 6 specific nutrients to improve your stretching flexibility fast!